Portraits - Trevin Smith - Radio DJ at 101x in Austin, Texas.

I was recently asked to shoot some studio portraits for 101x radio personality Trevin Smith, the job was gladly accepted. Trevin started his radio career not too long ago and has quickly risen to be one of the very best in the industry, he's has a wealth of music knowledge and his character is top notch. I've known Trevin for about 6 years and feel pretty damn happy that I had this opportunity to collaborate with him, we definitely had a great time.

Here are some select portraits from the session, hope you enjoy them. You can learn more about Trevin by visiting his blog at 101x or by tuning in to 101.5 fm in Austin, TX.

You can also stream live here.

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To view more of my work, visit www.JesseKnish.com

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