Protect your Rights as an Artist!

Here's a letter that I just received from American Society of Media Photographers, please read the letter.


Dear ASMP Member,

No one can speak up for your rights better than you. In fact, there are a lot of people who don’t want you to stand up for your rights. But, as a creator, you know that maintaining ownership of your work is important. And having the freedom to choose how you copy, use, and distribute your work is also necessary for your success and livelihood.

ASMP, along with other organizations in the Copyright Alliance, is urging photographers to sign an online letter to tell the President and Vice President that you want your creative work to be recognized and respected. The letter has not yet been launched to the public, as we want many artists to sign the letter before it is released to the public for other creators’ signatures.

Our goal is to get at least 1500 signatures by artists and creators by Friday, September 25.

It’s easy to sign the letter. Just enter your name, artist type, city, state, and email and hit “sign”.

Sign the letter. And pass this email on to your other creative friends to sign the letter.

Your voice as an artist is important, so sign the letter today!

Eugene Mopsik
ASMP Executive Director


If you love art then please support sign the letter, art is life.

Many thanks! Jesse

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