What would you do to land a job???

As the job market tightens, job seekers are becoming more creative in their efforts to attract the attention of potential employers. One-in-ten hiring managers (12 percent) surveyed by CareerBuilder.com reported that they are seeing more job seekers try unusual antics to capture their attention in 2008 compared to previous years.

Some of the most memorable tactics identified by these hiring managers include:
* Candidate advertised on a billboard.
* Candidate carried around a sign that said, "Will work for paying bills."
Candidate brought a broom to the interview to "clean up the waste and corruption in the office."
* Candidate wore a shirt to the interview that said, "Please hire me."
* Candidate showed up with breakfast for the employer every day until hired.
* Candidate approached the hiring manager in a restroom.
* Candidate sent a giant cookie with "Hire Skip" written in frosting on it.
* Candidate parked outside of the office building with a sign that said, "Seeking employment."
* Candidate wrote a poem about why she wanted the job in her cover letter.
* Candidate promised to give the employer a foot massage if hired.
* Candidate noticed the employer wrote a blog about a particular restaurant. She persuaded the restaurant to put her name on the menu so the employer would see it the next time he ate there.
* Candidate created an electronic resume with flash animation and musical score.

So I ask myself, what can I do to make an impact??

Think about it.

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