Best TV Commercials: Bodyform Responds :: The Truth

The truth, as feminine hygeine brand Bodyform admits to real-life Facebook ranter Richard, is this: We lied. Having your period really sucks. 


Best TV Commercials: Toyota Corolla 'Feels Good Inside'

Best TV Commercials: Toyota Corolla 'Feels Good Inside'

Film Inspiration: "Worship" by Calum Macdiarmid

"Worship" - a short film by Director Calum Macdiarmid

The film "Worship" was inspired by Calum Macdiarmid father’s book called a "Century of Insight" and is concerned with the history of the unconscious mind. It uses personal perspective to illustrate certain discoveries made by Nietche, Adler, Freud and Jung. A gorgeous film that is a must see.

See more of Calum’s work on his website

Facebook's Evoking Ad From Wieden & Kennedy

Today, Faceboook announced that it had reached its billion-user milestone, and to celebrate, it has launched a poetic film from its agency of record, Wieden & Kennedy in Portland, Ore.

Well done creative.

To read more about the thought process behind the creative, click here.
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