Street Scenes - Youth Portraits

Pictured: Shadow of Dad, Lola, and Baby Gaines.

It's funny what images you can capture while hanging out with some friends on the street, here's a classic that I photographed this past December while in Austin, TX. I love the composition, it was totally unplanned but captured so well. Hope you love it as much as I do!

The Numbers Game - Selling Photography Prints

Great advise for selling photography as a print...

The numbers game

Limited-edition prints are standard practice in art photography. But how should you number them, and how do you price them? Diane Smyth investigates.

Author: Diane Smyth

29 Dec 2010 Tags: IntelligenceFine art

It began in the 1970s, and only really got going in the UK in the late 80s, but editioning photographic prints has swiftly become the norm in the art market. However, while it may now be standard practice, there's no standard for how you number limited editions, or any guide to what you can charge for them. Getting it right remains a matter of considered judgement.

"It really varies," says Debra Klomp of New York's Klompching Gallery. "I can only tell you about the things we consider."

One of the key tasks is deciding how to limit the edition, figuring out how many prints to make of each image. This is influenced by a number of factors, but one of the biggest is how well the image might sell, as it's not advisable to end up with more prints than you can shift. Most gallerists prefer to try and sell editions quickly, creating a buzz around an artist that will hopefully push up pricing for future editions.

It's a simple case of demand and supply says Richard Kalman of Crane Kalman gallery in Brighton, adding that collectors are not just buying what they like, they are making an investment, and therefore they need assurance that a photographer has a market. "You want prices to go up," he says. "It's good to be able to point to a catalogue from two years ago and show that prices have increased."

Many photographers now limit each edition to five prints, he adds, while anything beyond 30 is probably pushing your luck, unless you're very well known. Some photographers create editions of one, but, of course, the smaller the edition, the more you'll need to charge. If you aren't very well known, you'll probably need to sell more for less. "I heard about an MA student selling an edition of one for £50,000," laughs Kalman. "That's pretty bold! But it could work - if one person buys it, it will get him a lot of attention."

Size matters

The size of the print is also a factor, because a large print will cost more time and money to produce, and will therefore need to command a higher price. Again, unknown photographers might have trouble shifting a huge print, although this isn't the only factor at play.

Edward Burtynsky famously creates prints at 120×150cm or more, which he argues is necessary to appreciate the level of detail in his work. Phil Toledano, meanwhile, recently joined the Klompching Gallery with a body of work called A New Kind of Beauty, a series of portraits of subjects who have undergone sometimes extreme plastic surgery. The larger-than-life size of the prints allows viewers to really study the subjects' physiognomies. "They're printed at 50×60cm, in an edition of three," says Klomp. "We fully supported him in printing them at that size, but we have to be realistic about how many will actually sell."

To complement these large sizes, however, both Toledano and Burtynksy create smaller images, which are sold in larger, though still limited, editions. Toledano's smaller size is sold in an edition of six, for example, while Burtynksy creates a small, medium and large version of each image, sold in editions of 10, nine and six respectively. "The bigger the size, the smaller the edition," says Chris Littlewood, who is director of photography at Flowers Galleries and looks after Burtynsky's work. "But Burtynsky always keeps the total number of prints under 30 [per image]."

Price is right
Price, of course, is a big factor, as it will also influence the speed at which an edition sells or stagnates. When pricing an edition, Klomp says she considers the amount of time a photographer spent on the image, including the time they spent researching and building up the project.

Unfortunately, in cash terms, that won't always reflect all the hard work that went into image. Both Klomp and Kalman advise setting prices at a conservative level for your first edition of prints - just as it's better to sell out a print run, it's better to gradually increase prices than cut them. If not, you risk antagonising collectors who have already taken the plunge, and create the impression that you're faltering.

This increase can happen slowly over time, but it also can happen over a single edition of work, which is often priced on a sliding scale these days. The first five prints will be the cheapest, the next five more expensive, and so on, creating a premium for prints that become more rare as they sell out. These increments may or may not be made public from the off. If they are, the gallerist will have to pitch it carefully from the start. If they aren't, they can see how quickly
the prints sell and take their cue from that.

It's a relatively recent phenomenon and, like editioning itself, started in the US. Keith Cavanagh, who once handled print sales at the Tom Blau Gallery and now sells prints by photographers such as Richard Avedon, Cecil Beaton and Brian Griffin, has some reservations, but says it makes sense if an image is getting a good reaction.

He's much less enthusiastic about another innovation though - selling "artists' proofs". Originally these were an essential part of the process, because they were the approved version the printer matched to. These days, with many photographers setting up a colour profile for their image file and making digital prints as and when they're needed, they're arguably completely redundant, but are becoming increasingly popular. Photographers are creating multiple versions and selling them, at a premium, when the limited edition sells out.

"Artists' proofs were sometimes sold in the past if the edition sold out, but now photographers are making three or four or more," says Cavanagh. "They are really creating another mini edition but, as proofs aren't numbered, an unscrupulous person could do an unlimited number. I disapprove."

Trust issues
Cavanagh's remarks touch upon a moot point in limited-edition printing - trust. Given that photographs are infinitely reproducible, collectors only have the photographer and gallery's word that limited editions really are limited, and will take an extremely dim view if more prints come to light. Klomp says she would stop working with a photographer if she realised they'd been making extra prints, and adds that issuing a further edition after the event is "career suicide".

"I encourage photographers to do their own prints to build up an archive of their work," she says. "It's their legacy, and they may need them for exhibitions, but I advise them not to make extra prints, even for their friends. We'd lose all trust from our collectors, and we can't have that."

However, it is acceptable to create another print for a collector if their copy has become faded or damaged. The spoilt print must be destroyed altogether, and the new one is then given the same number to take its place in the edition. It's all part of keeping up a relationship with the collector, which is essential if they are to follow the artist's work in future.

Photographers and their gallerists also need to keep careful track of which prints are sold to whom - if an artist gets a big museum show and doesn't have a copy of a print, they will need to be able to borrow a copy from one of their collectors. If a new copy is made, it will have to stay strictly off the market, otherwise the integrity of the original edition will again come into question.

It's a sensitive business and some advisors, Cavanagh among them, question whether photographic prints should be limited at all. Limiting an edition used to relate to litho printing and the quality of the plates - after 100 prints, say, a plate would no longer be as accurate and would therefore be rejected. These days that's no longer relevant and, says Cavanagh, limiting editions can be seen as an artificial way of slotting photography into the fine-art market, traditionally centred around one-off, irreplaceable works. "If a photographer has a great image, I say why limit it?" he tells BJP. "Henri Cartier-Bresson and Ansel Adams never limited their prints."

Adams is an interesting example though, as Cavanagh himself points out. He made his own prints and there are often multiple versions of the same image, but the earlier ones tend to fetch more at auction because they're considered higher quality. As Adams got older, it's argued, his eyesight started to fail, and his prints started to lose their subtle tonality. This touches on another important factor - the concept of the vintage print.

As the name suggests, vintage prints are older prints, and in general the older they are, the more valuable they are. From an investment perspective, a print made shortly after the image was shot is the ideal; later prints made, say, by the photographer's estate after he or she dies won't garner the same prices - even if it's of higher quality in other respects. The idea of the artist's hand and the authenticity of the art work holds hard, even in this most reproducible of media.

It may sound odd, but for Klomp, creating a limited edition is key. "If you create an open edition you are telling the people who are buying it that it isn't a special object," she says. "You're not just selling an image, you're selling an artefact. People are very interested in the prints - they want to know if it's an inkjet or a C-type or a handprint, and I've even had people ask which paper and which batch number the work is printed on. Photographers need to have a record of exactly how the print is made because they will be asked." BJP

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5 Tips for Improving Email Marketing Responses

Email marketing is popular with photographers and illustrators, and for good reason. It’s highly measurable, easy to execute and relatively inexpensive. But its popularity also means that there’s lots of competition for the attention of buyers; meaning you have to focus on all the components that make up a successful piece of email marketing. From the subject line to the design, your email has to resonate with the buyer so they won’t hesitate to learn more about you.

Based on the latest research from Marketing Prof’s 2010 Email Marketing virtual conference, here are 5 simple things you can do to get buyers to pay more attention to your email marketing:

Tip #1: Choose a Recognizable 'From' Name
Your ‘from’ name is what tells readers who’s sending this email, so make sure it’s recognizable to your audience. 73% of recipients flag emails as spam based solely on the ‘from’ name, so make it relevant. If your company name includes the word “photography” or “illustration”, then be sure to include it. If you use only your name, try adding “photographer” or “illustrator” after it. This helps the art buyer know the email is legitimate and relevant.

Tip #2: Tease Your Reader in Your Subject Line
Whether a buyer opens your email has almost everything to do with your subject line. It should be relevant to your audience as well as provide a hint at the content of your email. If your email contains new work, say so. If it’s been published in a well-known magazine, let them know. Try something simple like “New photos in Martha Stewart Living” or “New personal project: Life in the Appalachians”. As with your ‘from’ name, relevance is key. 69% of recipients report email as spam based just on the subject line. Research has also shown that many buyers are reading email on their smart phones, so try to keep it under 38 characters.

Tip #3:Leverage the Preview Pane
Did you know that images are disabled more than 50% of the time? If half the buyers in your mailing can’t see your images, what can you do about it? The answer is to include the use of alt text for your images. Most email service providers make it easy for you to do this, without having to understand HTML. Use alt text to describe the image in your promo. Once the buyer knows your email is relevant, they will turn images on and view your promo, also allowing for an “open’ to be counted. If the link to your portfolio is in a graphic, be sure to include the copy as alt text. Remember that the average preview pane is 300px by 300px, so keep space in mind when you’re designing for a preview pane.

Tip #4: Keep It Above the Fold
“Above the fold” refers to the amount of your email that is displayed by your recipient’s email client. Because your recipient will only initially see the content above the fold, you must keep all your important messaging there. Make sure your branding and most important image can be seen by buyers choosing to view your email. Only 11% of those who open your email will actually scroll down, so if you don’t show buyers something that’s relevant, the chances are much higher that they’ll delete your email without reading it. Or worse, unsubscribe altogether. If you have a lot of content, like with a newsletter, include links or another kind of teaser to encourage your reader to scroll down.

Tip #5: Be Consistent With Your Branding
When a buyer clicks through to your website it means that they’re very interested in your work. Make sure that the look and feel of your email matches with your website so the reader’s experience is consistent. Don’t make the buyer question whether they’ve come to the right site, your branding will take care of that for you. Apply this principle to all aspects of your marketing – keep your branding consistent across all the channels you use. It helps to ensure your efforts are recognized.
These are easy ideas to try, even if you have no technical knowledge of email marketing.

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Happy Holidays!

I just finished shooting holiday card portraits for my friends and snapped this little gem while their son was taking a little siesta by the Christmas tree, i love it.

Johnny Cash & June Carter - Jackson

Here's a classic video of Johnny Cash & June Carter singing "Jackson". I love the old school tv shows.

Top Ten Marketing Budget Tips

re-post: 4imprint Blue Papers

This is great information for building a solid business.

It used to be that the bulk of a marketing budget was entwined with a marketing plan that focused on traditional efforts, like direct mail and collateral print materials. What’s more, it was fairly standard practice for the marketing budget to be the first to see cuts when a business’s revenue slowed. Today, however, more dollars are being spent online than ever before through e-mail marketing and social media, and decision makers are thinking twice before putting marketing dollars on the chopping block.

Clearly, marketing isn’t what it used to be and neither is the budget, but what still holds true amid the evolution is that budgeting takes research, planning and measurement to be successful. What is your business doing with your budget to ensure success in this new landscape? Here are the top ten tips to consider when creating a truly powerful budget that will see it through the year.

1. Be inclusive
Leave no stone unturned in outlining the costs associated with marketing tactics. Be sure to include the costs associated with staff time as well as the costs associated with purchasing, printing and distributing materials. Thinking about these expenses now will avoid surprise additions to the budget later. Pull together your marketing staff for a collaborative budget brainstorm session to make sure all bases are covered. Get the creative budget juices flowing with fun items like Yo-Yos or Nutty Putty to occupy their hands while their minds are at work.

2. Only show accurate expenditures
Avoid including expenses in a marketing budget that are included in another budget. For example, while office supplies like pens and sticky notes are needed to execute marketing efforts, these are usually expenses included in an operational budget. Don’t take dollars from other budgets by including items that already have been accounted for.

3. Be affordable—and use the whole buffalo
This applies primarily to those businesses using a bottom-up budgeting process. Don’t put time into a budget that a business can’t afford. It’s not likely to get approved and if it does, it risks getting cut down the road. Every marketer should develop a budget that is realistic, both in regards to the bottom line and in consideration to the plan. Furthermore, be sure to spend money on strategies and tactics that can serve multiple purposes.

4. Don’t confuse the budget gatekeepers
Budget items should be self-explanatory and specific. Ambiguous line items run the risk of getting slashed only because their need is not apparent or their purpose is too vague. Name items clearly and provide a one to two sentence explanation if necessary. Sometimes, it’s also effective to associate each budget item directly with a goal or strategy.

5. Target the right audience
Eran Livneh, president of marketing firm MarketCapture, stresses that reaching the wrong people is an expensive mistake. Marketing plans should be developed with target markets in mind and after conducting considerable research. While research often adds line items to a marketing budget, it always saves money in the long run.

6. Do your research
Just as target audiences need to be researched, so do line item expenses. To be most accurate in allocating the appropriate resources to a strategy or tactic, find out what it actually would take to get the job done instead of estimating. Pick up the phone and call vendors for quotes and base expenses off this data.

7. Consistency is key
Make the marketing budget easy to follow by being consistent in the way it is presented. Use a table or a spreadsheet that is formatted with one font, organized on the decimal point and featuring consistent language and math. Package budgets both electronically and in binders for quick reference. And finally, flag key line items that require additional notation or explanation.

8. Keep the conversation going
When creating the marketing plan and budget, ensure the strategies and tactics are synergistic. That way, the plan builds momentum by creating multiple impressions and opportunities to expound on a conversation. Recognize staff members from other departments who actively support the cross pollination of efforts and ideas with prizes like a set of glasses or gourmet cookies.

9. Make sure website content is fresh and easily navigated
At first thought, you might be thinking “What does my website have to do with my marketing budget?” Well, in most cases, marketing efforts and sales leads lead back to your website. A billboard or direct mail piece that drives audiences to a website that isn’t easily accessible, navigable or current is a waste of budgeting dollars because visitors will be lost along with sales.

10. Measure all efforts
As Livneh points out, not knowing what you get for your money is a big mistake. If a business fails to measure the ROI of a strategy or tactic within a marketing plan and its budget, there’s no way to show that a goal has been hit or missed and no way to argue for a similar allocation in next year’s budget. Measuring ROI saves time and money—stop doing things that don’t work and start doing things that are more effective.

Interested in more information on developing and measuring marketing budgets? Check out our Blue Paper® on the topic: Marketing Budgets Demystified.

Metrodome Roof Collapse Video From the Inside Metrodome

A hell of a year for the Minnesota Vikings, this tops the cake.

Metrodome Roof Collapse Video From the Inside Metrodome - Minneapolis, Minnesota

8 Tools for Easily Creating a Mobile Version of Your Website


by: Jacob Gube

As an entrepreneur, you're most likely always on the lookout for new developments. Perhaps your customers are reporting that your site needs a mobile version so that they can visit it while they're on the go, or maybe you recently saw a competitor's site through your mobile device; it looked slick, and now you're feeling outclassed.

The mobile web is burgeoning. Usage of iOS, the operating system for Apple mobile devices such as the iPhone and iPad, almost doubled in just seven months (from March 2010 to October 2010), according to Netmarketshare. This is an indicator of just how many people are browsing websites, more and more, through their mobile devices instead of their computers.

Small businesses should be on top of this trend. To help out, we've compiled a list of easy-to-use tools for creating mobile sites. The tools in this list were purposely chosen for ease of use -- that is, they're all aimed at site owners who don't have any web development/coding experience. They're perfect solutions for small- and medium-sized businesses because of their cost effectiveness (and most are even free).

How These Tools Work

Most of the tools below have graphical user interfaces and copy-and-paste code blocks that can be installed on your site quite easily. If you can install a tool like Google Analytics on your site yourself, you'll be able to use these tools.

These tools work by detecting the user agent of your site visitors, which is just fancy talk for finding out whether a visitor is using a regular web browser or a mobile web browser. If the user agent is a mobile browser, users are redirected to your website's mobile version. The common practice is to assign the mobile version of your site with a sub-domain as such In this manner, your site traffic is forked into two segments, giving all of your site visitors an optimal...

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Cities Crack Down on Corporate Marketers Who Make Sidewalks Their Medium

Photo: Jessica Lum

Logo Graffiti Gets Scrubbed
Cities Crack Down on Corporate Marketers Who Make Sidewalks Their Medium


SAN FRANCISCO—Cities from here to New York are cracking down on a form of marketing that some police liken to graffiti vandalism—much of it paid for by such marquee companies as Microsoft Corp. and others.

The marketing technique entails sending people out to plaster corporate logos and products on sidewalks and other public places. Proponents say it gives companies a cheap and creative way to advertise compared with conventional methods.

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Daily Photo Blog - Billiards in Austin


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